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Apache HTTP Server

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8383 days ago
"The Apache Software Foundation exists to provide organizational, legal, and financial support for the Apache open-source software projects. Formerly known as the Apache Group, the Foundation has been incorporated as a membership-based, not-for-profit corporation in order to ensure that the Apache projects continue to exist beyond the participation of individual volunteers, to enable contributions of intellectual property and funds on a sound basis, and to provide a vehicle for limiting legal exposure while participating in open-source software projects.

The Apache Software Foundation is a membership-based, non-profit corporation. Individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to collaborative open-source software development, through sustained participation and contributions within the Foundation's projects, are eligible for membership in the ASF. An individual is awarded membership after nomination and approval by a majority of the existing ASF members. Thus, the ASF is governed by the community it most directly serves -- the people collaborating within its projects.

The ASF members periodically elect a Board of Directors to manage the organizational affairs of the Foundation, as accorded by the ASF Bylaws. The Board, in turn, appoints a number of officers to oversee the day-to-day operations of the Foundation.

Current officers of The Apache Software Foundation:

Roy T. Fielding, Chairman
Brian Behlendorf, President
Randy Terbush, Treasurer
Jim Jagielski, Exec. V.P. and Secretary
Ken Coar, V.P., Apache Conferences
Ben Hyde, V.P., Apache HTTP Server Project
Dirk-Willem van Gulik, V.P., Apache XML Project

The Foundation is a collaborative project of the ASF. Our goal is to build and sustain the literal foundation upon which our open-source software projects are based. Like the other projects, we will need help to achieve this goal, and several groups have already contributed their time and effort to good effect. However, it is often difficult to find volunteers to perform the essential grunge work behind the scenes. We are in the process of putting together a support organization, using funds contributed by the Apache community, that will provide the administrative assistance needed to keep the projects moving at full steam."

Apache HTTP Server

Those Memes Are Free (2000 - 2004); This Is A Vanilla Site!