"antville is an open source project aimed to the development of an "easy to maintain and use" weblog-hosting system. it's not limited to just one weblog, it can easily host up to several hundred or thousand weblogs (the number of weblogs is more limited by the site owners choice and server power than software limitations).
antville is entirely written in JavaScript and based on Helma (
HOP), a powerful and fast scriptable open source web application server (which itself is written in Java). antville works with a relational database in the backend: here at antville.org we're using
MySQL, but one can also use nearly any other one. more information about the project can be found at the project weblog, the macro documentation (in progress) or antville help. there is also a brief description of the features of antville.
antville.org is a weblog-hosting service based on this application. the service was established to demonstrate the power of Helma and antville (and because we like to use our own software ;-). It's free of charge, but please read and agree to the terms of service before you're creating a weblog on antville.org."