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Matthew Maila long time ago
dear friendly people with computers
well summer in england has been a patchy affair at best. fortunately we are off to japan tomorrow to catch up on warmth (and play some shows).
some of you may know that i have just finished recording at abbey road with 18 musicians for a big band/jazz orchestral album. however, it would be really great if some of you would like to be involved as well.
we did this on 'foreign bodies' off of the bodily functions album which was made entirely from sounds sent to us from some of you people on our mailing list. (coincidentally it has just been sampled itself by slum village on their new album).
the new album is based all around books, reading, paper and things associated with the creation and consumption of literature, and heres what we would like you to do.
(you can do all 3, or just one (or none at all obviously))
in return, we will credit you on the album and to the first 100 people we will send a promo copy of the new doctor rockit single on vinyl or cd.
please note that the deadline for us to receive all your post/emails will be september the 5th. also, don't to forget to include your name, address and email info.
firstly we would like you to record the sound of you dropping your local telephone directory on the floor. it should be a residential phone book rather than one that is a list of businesses. it would probably work best if you can stand on a chair and drop it squarely downwards.
if you are technically minded you can email us your recording of this noise as an mp3 file, wav file, aiff file or quicktime file to the following address:
[email protected]
if you prefer, you can send it on one of the following formats: cd, minidisc, dat or cassette tape to either our european address or to our american address:
mhbb accidental records po box 24953 london SE23 3GS
mhbb accidental records pmb 170 29 john street new york new york 10038 usa
secondly we would like you to cut out from your local or national newspaper, one story over the next two weeks about iraq. it doesn't matter if its positive or negative, or if you agree or disagree with a potential attack on iraq. please post the original cutting to either of the above addresses.
finally we would like to know what book you would recommend others to read. (fiction or non-fiction) please just email the title and author to us at:
[email protected]
if any of you are in tokyo we are playing 2 big band shows friday and sunday, with an accidental cast party on the 23rd. all at the liquid rooms.
at the accidental party, there will be live sets from the soft pink truth, 8 doogy moto and the live debut of dani siciliano and her solo project. i will also be attempting to mix records together.
thanks in advance, and i am looking forward to hearing what you get up to.