"Added on board the Chicago house production team "Phuture," as a replacement for DJ Pierre, Roy Davis Jr. later followed his mentor to New York and worked at Strictly Rhythm, recording his own singles for
Force Inc., Big Big Trax and Power Music. Originally born in California, Davis moved to Chicago's south side early in his childhood. After being turned on by legendary acid-house pioneers like Phuture and Lil' Louis, he became a DJ and began producing as well, with his first single, "20 Below," recorded for the Jack Trax label. Roy describes the music that he makes as "soul electrica"; soul music mixed with electronics. His style has changed and grown up through the years as he has been going back to his spiritual roots in house music, away from the sound that he once was associated with - Phuture's "acid" and "wild pitch." The sound he is working on is expanding more on the soulful side combining an unmistakable deep funk sound of Chicago."
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