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WHAT IS THIS SITE?a long time ago is a weblog. It's a personal diary on the web. Why do you write a weblog?Mainly because of three things. - I want to share my thoughts with others and therefore communicate.
- A simple explanation for the term 'Memes' is 'Thoughts'. I write them down and connect them, so i can find them later or get a bigger picture over the time. It's also a little bit about bookmarks.
- Improve writing and english skills.
Guide- On the top you see a black area, where you can log in and register. When you're logged in, you can contribute and post comments. To log in you must register once which is quick and easy. No information goes to any third party. Once you're logged, there is also a 'prefs' link where you can change you're preferences.
- The next area is a picture which is randomly chosen from a pool of pictures i have taken. It's dubbed 'Sights'.
- After that you see a music player that will open in a new window. Choose the tracks or sets from the dropdown menu, close that window or click on 'MUSIC OFF' to turn it off. Press 'Pause/Play' once to pause the music, click again to continue it. (CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT!)
- On the Left side there's a navigation bar.
- Menu: 'Homepage' will take you to the frontpage of
- Calendar: The calendar lets you navigate to a certain day, or view older entries.
- Search: Enter a search term in the box, click 'GO!' and the results will be displayed on the right side.
- Context: Information whithin the site can be linked. If this is the case, you see a link back to the infromation connected to the content you watch right now. Example: I write about an artist and that he/she releases records under a certain label. When you read about the label, there's a link to that artist (see Compost records for example).
- Active Users: If a user is logged in, this will be displayed here.
- Contact: You can always contact me by email or phone (not really always by phone).
- On the right side of the page the 'content' itself will be displayed.
Frequently asked questions- Who created that site?
- Chris Langreiter (maintains a great weblog at created the Vanilla tool, which is the foundation of, the design and some customization is done by myself.
- What is the meaning of life?
- 42, eat more vegetables and be nice to your neighbours. There isn't any, stop making sense.
- Where can i get my own weblog?
- Lots of places: If you want it based on Vanilla, you have to wait a little bit, a Vanilla hosting solution is currently under development. Try or search the net to find countless tools that help you to start your own weblog.
- Are there any requirements or guidelines when, what or whatsoever i should post?
- Some days seem to be missing. Am i doing something wrong or are you just lazy?
- I log whatever and whenever i want (i'm free to do..., laaalalalala), so, uhm, that's it.
If you have more question just mail me. Enjoy!