comment-2002-09-23-18203 days ago
About your question from yesterday night: Is there a place where woman are... are... hhmmm... hard to explain what you asked - still not sure if I got you completely...
Think you thought about a place where woman are like "men"?? ;-}
no - you thought about a place where they can do what they want and are "satisfied" by the care of others...? Funny, but serious question.
It's defenitly not the kitchen - is it? Or the cosmetic studio? Noo. Perhaps her best friend. Woman take care of friendships a lot more... I often wondered about how they behave with each other.
Oh fuck! I get a bad headache.
We should have wizards and wise people in our epoche - I could have asked them now.
But we don't have.
I'am sad about that.
Going back to my box now.
A hug for your girl...