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Monday, September 2, 2002 The DNS of my provider is in serious troubles, so i have to keep it short for the moment. There is a backlog of memes, so more soon. Cognitive arrogance made me miss this one:  Monsieur Kutter also found this: " Email from the field, in search for Al Quaida. On Aug. 12, FRONTLINE producer Martin Smith, his co-producer Marcela Gaviria, and cameraman Scott Anger set out on a two-month journey that will take them from London to the Persian Gulf to Pakistan and Afghanistan in an effort to find out what has become of Osama bin Laden's terrorist network, Al Qaeda, since the U.S. launched its war on terrorism. In the weeks ahead, we'll be posting regular email dispatches from Smith and Gaviria as they report back to us on their progress, offering an unprecedented behind-the-scenes perspective on a FRONTLINE documentary in the making. Smith's report will air in mid-November." Loitering on Le Sofa and listening to feels good and sounds good. Comment by zpy, 8223 days ago: I had no idea that existed. His music is perfection immortalized.
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