Monday, September 9, 2002
Reusing words: Loitering around in the marketing industry for three weeks now, and i already became one of them.
Article for 'who is who in' (no joke, the truth can be awful), all attempts to convince the team that i can't and don't want to write something like this (or generally) were futile. Basically, being responsible for Human Resources (no employees yet), Partnerships and a bit of Technology and General Communication is nice and feels good. Pretty close to the second
naive wish. Damn, did i change. Smiling and worrying about the things i wrote, and how, a little more than a year ago...
Comment by zpy, 8217 days ago: So wishes do come true. Let's hope you have as much luck with wishes one and three.
Comment by zpy, 8217 days ago: Regarding wish 1 and commets by Adi:
Margaret Mead said: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Regarding wish 3:
�Dans le v�ritable amour c�est l��me, qui enveloppe le corps.�
Comment by Bruno, 8203 days ago: 1) True. In good and in bad.
3) Impossible to comment at the moment.
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