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Saturday, February 14, 2004 " At the same time, Jobs is said to be in active discussions with numerous parties, including cable operators, about putting together a rival bid of his own for Disney." Pixar tale, the 1987 Prix Ars Electronica, an Interview from 1990 with John Lasseter and a collection of Pixar's short films (including Luxo Jr.). His Employment Agreement in full-text: " 'Directed by John Lasseter', which shall be the last card in the main titles or the first card of individual credits in the end titles, subject to industry wide collective bargaining agreements. Said credit shall be no less than 50% of the regular title and in a Size of type not less than the Size of type accorded to any other individual (other than the cast members) of the Picture or Past Picture."  " Asmara: Africa's Secret Modernist City is a building-by-building survey � illustrated with rare archival material and specially commissioned photographs � that tells the unique tale of one of the finest Modernist cities in the world." " Reports and several top lawmakers suggested that Rybkin was on a drinking binge when he vanished." Russian presidential campaigns are just so much more fun than the american. Matt Drudge and the ' Kerry Scandal'. Kutters Kerry Skandal. Comment by [create judge_reini], 7714 days ago: jawohl! bruno's hirn ist wieder am leben :-) oder vielleicht doch nicht? oder hat er es nur virtuell outgesourced? Comment by Bruno, 7713 days ago: Heimgeholt, grosser Re-integration und Cognition Support Effort sozusagen. Redet man sich halt ein, und kommt drauf wie klein das Fitzerl an der eigenen intellektuellen Wertschoepfungskette ist. Durchlauferhitzer eben. Aber dafür ist Vanilla ja sehr praktisch. Sorry, but further comments are disabled for this post.