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Thursday, February 19, 2004 Fuchs: chris wrote a small Flash/Rebol application that compares search results and ranking of Google and Yahoo! search visually. BTW, we're still waiting for this Blogosphere Map Code/App to be released... Comment by [create compound_eye], 7640 days ago: I like what you have done, but why not link it so that you can actually go to the pages found, and get a summary when you hover? Comment by Bruno, 7639 days ago: Was done by him. It's a pity that he got just a few late night hours a week to develop things like these, so it's mostly concepts, often quick & dirty, with terrible programming environments. But hopefully he spends some more time on this one, as the feature you suggest would definitly make sense, at least to have the URLs... Comment by chris, 7638 days ago: sometimes you're pretty close to driving me completely crazy ... Comment by Bruno, 7638 days ago: Just deleted main parts of my wish-list. Sorry for giving you hard times and underestimating all to often. Enjoy London, time off... Ach so, ja dann...
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