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Thursday, September 13, 2001
The thousands of individual tragedys that happened in the past two days, can't be put into any form of words. I wouldn't know where to start.

But right now, already, opinions are being cemented and actions prepared. So there are a few personal thoughts i'd like to express, as they were mostly left out of the common discussion.

In the 21st century, wars can't be won with weapons. At least not in the long run. A war against whomever wouldn't solve problems, it would deepen existing and create new ones. Some terrorist groups, which as such don't even exist, especially those connected to an idiosyncratic form of islamic creed, clearly outmatch the whole military force of the western world. They operate behind a rarerly transparent curtain of invisibility, are imperceptible, relentless, unblinking and willing to pay a price no western government will, hopefully, ever be ready to pay.

Which leads to the main source of the hate underlying these acts: The western policies in the past four decades included this readiness, culminating in George Bush Sr.'s 'New World Order'. I consider myself to be in the middle of the political spectrum, but it is beyond doubt and a fact, that people in large parts of Africa, the Middle and Far East as well as other regions, have been ruthlessly abused to satisfy 'our' interests. They were trained, equipped and financed for terror in all shapes, mainly by parts of the US, UK and French government. Then, in some cases like Iraq, Iran and Afganistan, after serving their purpose, abandoned with tremendous recklessness. All this led to extreme suffering, poverty and hopelessness.

Short story: You're 30, suffered your whole life, have been surrounded by tragedy and there is no perspective at all. You fought the war of others, who then left you before it really ended, defenceless, your whole family killed by a gas attack. Then somebody shows up, tells you about the american cowards who betrayed you. And the way to eternal kingdom, that they would take care of your few remaining loved ones.

Or 30 more years of despair, whithout any hope.

So it doesn't matter if this is Osama Bin laden or someone else who will arise after imminent american revenge. If we go to war, we will go down, become them, and sustainingly support their cause.

But there is a war to fight, against the foundation of this terrorist attacks. As long as there are human beings who have nothing or little to lose, we who have, should worry. I do, not due to fear, but because of the very thought of it.

We have to find whoever committed or supported this insane crime and do fair justice. Not to compare, just to remark: At the end of the Nuremberg Trial, Chief Judge Sir Geoffrey Lawrence said that he wants to denature war for all time and all humans. We didn't eliminate the 'need' for war yet, nor did we install a global legal system to deal with those wo think it is necessary.

"They kicked us so we kick them" won't work. We shouldn't add woes, but heal the wounds of those who have been so badly hurt deep within. Maybe it helps that the thoughts of billions of people in all corners of the world are with them. Mine are.

Is Tom Friedman sure about what he's asking for? This is from todays NYTimes, not the Dr. Strangelove 2 script:

"The people who planned Tuesday's bombings combined world-class evil with world-class genius to devastating effect. And unless we are ready to put our best minds to work combating them � the World War III Manhattan Project � in an equally daring, unconventional and unremitting fashion, we're in trouble. Because while this may have been the first major battle of World War III, it may be the last one that involves only conventional, non-nuclear weapons."

Tough times ahead. Hopefully, this is the most unlikely option being considered.
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