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Monday, February 18, 2002
"Dear all, I realize this is very "Washington" of me to mention but my husband is responsible for the "Axis of Evil" segment of Tuesday's State of the Union address. It's not often a phrase one writes gains national notice�unless you're in advertising of course ("The Pause that refreshes")�so I'll hope you'll indulge my wifely pride in seeing this one repeated in headlines everywhere!!" Pride.

There was authority in all that she did, and in every phrase that she uttered. Maria Callas.

"Bitter after being snubbed for membership in the "Axis of Evil," Libya, China, and Syria today announced they had formed the "Axis of Just as Evil," which they said would be way eviler than that stupid Iran-Iraq-North Korea axis President Bush warned of his State of the Union address." Satirewire. Also: "Afghanistan ( � In response to U.S. President George Bush's $379 billion proposed military budget, which calls for high-tech weaponry such as pilotless spy aircraft and a missile shield, al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden proposed a $249.98 fiscal 2002 military budget to pay for exploding shoes, fake IDs, and pirated copies of Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Military analysts said the requests, if approved, would put the opposing forces, "just about even."

Later: "AT TIMES it becomes necessary for a nation to defend itself through force of arms. Because war is a grave matter, involving the sacrifice and taking of precious human life, conscience demands that those who would wage the war state clearly the moral reasoning behind their actions, in order to make plain to one another, and to the world community, the principles they are defending." What We're Fighting For.

timberjack harvester
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