Africa: " Within that consensus
NEPAD was 'likely to perpetuate and reinforce the subjugation of Africa in the international global system, the enclavity of African economies and the marginalisation of Africa's people (...) We regard NEPAD as a new form of colonisation with the consent of African leaders. The essence of the document is that Africa promises to obey all requests from the West and will submit to their demands, particularly in the area of investment. Africa will be enslaved to satisfy the demands of the West.'
Responding to the criticism, Mbeki's spokesman, Bheki Khumalo, said: "Ideology and slogans don't feed people. That has been the problem in the past." from
here and
here. Two strong thumbs up for
NEPAD. Proof of concept:
Strive Masiyiwa.
Oh yes:
Tilos R�di�, can't get enough, excellent MP3 stream from Budapest. For those with Real Audio:
Listen to
Jan Jelinek live in Zurich. More:

Gustavo Lamas Track:
MananaHard feelings: "As of Thursday, June 27, 2002, Homebass is no longer taking orders. We will try to fulfill as many outstanding orders as possible and we will notify you if we cannot. After two years of being in business, we have not been able to maintain profits sufficient to keep us going. It's been a lot of fun, but no money, no business - that's the cold-hearted reality of capitalism. You can't pay the rent with the hottest new 12"s (well maybe you can if the owner of your building is Tenaglia). Thanks to all of you who shopped here and a special thanks to everyone on the homebass team who worked so hard (you know who you are). No hard feelings." is gone. The weeks the music died.
Bombing G----e:
Kompetenzteam, reasonable
Mobile Marketing.