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Tuesday, February 18, 2003
Yes, Henryk Broder, once again: "Bald wird auch Daniel, wenn es seine PR-Berater so wollen, "Krieg ist doof!" rufen, und Konstantin wird auf eine gro�e Tournee gehen, die er eigentlich schon mit seiner gut getimten Reise nach Bagdad begonnen hat. Zwei Superstars auf dem Weg in die Charts." more.

Expensive words: " the current situation no one in the finance sector would be willing to provide additional money for Kirch." Condemning out-of-court settlement confidentiality.

Wanted to post this since half a year, but either i forgot or there wasn't a computer around. Two of my all time favourite albums have been re-released in 2002: Super Discount (1996) by, amongst others, Etienne de Crecy, as well as Matthew Herbert's Around The House (1998).

Artist: La Chatte Rouge aka Etienne de Crecy | Track: Affaires � faire

Artist: Matthew Herbert with Dani Siciliano | Track: In the Kitchen

Old gold: Nanopops History of Pop, especially Kraftwerk and four, rather new, Valentines Day Jingles.
6 comments yet by zpy, blume, unknown, satish.
  Comment by zpy, 8055 days ago:
Like your musical taste. Here's a wacky request. I just leanrd that I am pregnant -- with twins! What are your top five album reccomendations for me?

I realize it is a bit odd to divulge this to a stranger but I have been advised to wait two more weeks before I make it public . . . and I an having trouble keeping it to myself.
  Comment by blume, 8053 days ago:
well happy you.... seems to be all around me now.... pregnancy fever... hmmm, i checked and i�m not, what is relieving but still.... so cute those littel small beings.... pinkish cheecks and small nails and thin soft hair and ..... congratiolastions to the mummy...
  Comment by zpy, 8053 days ago:
thank you : ) I had not planned on this. But at 37, it is likely time. Very happy but will admit it is not something to rush into. Happy 4 U that you are not:.
  Comment by blume, 8042 days ago:
so another 13 days with an still space in this universe...
  Comment by unknown, a long time ago:
so another 13 days with an still space in this universe...
  Comment by [create satish], 8003 days ago:
Greetings from SATISH
how r u dear and near ------?
every thing al right
love to listen from u
like to see u
obviously i miss u
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