QUALIA is a Sony group-wide movement aiming to truly touch our customers' hearts through all Sony's activities from product creation, marketing, services to content creation, leading to the creation of Emotional Values." Gadget Seekers heaven.
Gallery of Sony's hard-to-believe digicam.
Das Oeffentlichwerden von Friedmanns privaten Gepflogenheiten, dass Moellemann es nicht mehr miterlebt. Die perverse Spannung, wie weit er wohl gegangen waere.
Comment by [create lordofrock], 7928 days ago: Bruno - Los Angeles here. Found you via an artist search I did on Google for Markus Guenther (which I heard on Somafm.com).
I have been in search of sounds like these for ever and ever. Funny how things work out huh? Just wanted to (1) say how much I appreciate your content and presentation (very Euro, VERY clean) and (2) ask where else such sounds can be gotten?
World peace,